Friday, December 05, 2008

My Letter to Governor General Michaelle Jean

Your Excellency,

Though the chances of you reading this are slim, I write to you in hopes that you will read this email.  I wish to express to you how deeply sadden I am by the wedge that our current Prime Minister has driven into this country.

While he has managed to stave off another election by asking you to grant him prorogation in Parliament, I fear that the anti-Quebec sentiments that he has struck has awaken a national backlash in Quebec.  This will partition the country for years to come and possibly result in the outcome of a very different Canada in the future.

I am also deeply sadden by your decision to prorogue Parliament.  I cannot help but somehow feel that democracy has failed in this country.  Understandably, prorogation might have been the preferred choice, as it seems the safer than permitting an unpopular coalition to go forth or prompting another costly election.  However, I fear that this will set an unjust precent in future years.  It seems that should a Prime Minister ever, in face of a looming defeat of a democratic vote in the House of Commons, wish to prolong his or her term, the Queen's Representative can rightfully grant them prorogation.  Democracy in Canada has changed.

Most Canadians are sadden by the current impasse that has seized Parliament.  However, your decision to allow the Prime Minister to avoid a democratic process is one that disappoints the most.   


Friday, November 07, 2008

Where does change begin?

With the recent U.S. election and all the publicity leading up to it, I'm left wondering where real change begins. Does real change occur in electoral politics or does it happen in grassroots movements in which nameless individuals sacrifice themselves for something they believe in?

I've been contemplating this question for a while now, because for an idealistic individual such as myself, I would like to leave this Earth thinking that in a small way, in some small part, I've made a difference in someone's life. I could go on here and painfully list to you all the things that I am passionate about and wish to change, but I will spare you those details. I've been wondering to myself where I would be most effective in carrying out my passions - is it electoral politics? Some people tell me that this is a futile route as politicians normally take place in the center, being eager to please their voters. I am not sure whether to believe this group or not. So then I wonder to myself, am I more effective in small community organizations or in grassroots movements where I would advocate and lobby for change? Some others tell me that this is a frustrating task and likely, an endless one.

So what am I left with here? How do I go about making the world, or at least the community in which I wake up to everyday, a better place? Can anyone help me answer this question?

Also, read this:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

On neoliberal economics...

My good friend, Kuthula, writes for a newspaper column and his recent piece talks about the current global meltdown of the financial markets.  Please have a look as he is a very insightful individual.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Facebook = Death of blogs

Why don't I ever write on blogspot anymore?  I mean, I used to love telling the world my weird opinions and useless facts.  I mean, sure I was busy with completing the rest of my schooling but I think in part my love for blogging stopped when all my friends stopped blogging when they swapped it in exchange for Facebook.  

Could Facebook be the death of blogging?  Or has blogging just moved into another form which includes spying and viewing other people's lives without really talking to them?  Isn't that what Facebook is?  To toot your own horn about your own popularity, to display photos about your fabulous new vacation for all to see?  Or do people really use it as an avenue to maintain contact with friends?  Is it true contact when it's viewing other people's photos and updates, but never actually writing them that email to ask them how they are?  

Ok, I must confess that after years of boycotting Facebook, I finally joined just two weeks ago. It came to a point where I actually felt socially excluded because everyone else would be talking about something posted on their page and laugh about it, but I would have no clue about what anyone was talking about.  So in truth, I succumbed to social pressure.  However, I must admit that I am still not an avid user and do not desire to be.  What the heck is the Advanced Wall and how is that different from the Regular Wall?  Am I the only person who has trouble using its awkward interface?

Sigh.  I miss blogging.  I feel like an old person asking for a return to the 'good ol' days.'  

Sunday, December 09, 2007

On Being Socially Awkward

Do you ever go somewhere and simply try to be yourself, and then when you get home and think about it, you're embarrassed about some of the things you've said?

This happens to me all the time. I go to an event, meet people, talk to them, and then go home and slap myself for saying stupid things. The thing is, I know that one of my weaknesses is in my speech. I tend not to be very clear about what I'm talking about, and sometimes what has happened is when someone asks me a question, I tend to give them a whole background answer but forget to answer the actual question. (I have a classic example of this if anyone wants to know what I mean).

I mean, it's okay to act this be a dumbass and unclear with a group of friends who know me and understand this...but to be like this with complete strangers or unfamiliar people? Many times, in looking back in retrospect, I hate myself....

Friday, November 30, 2007

Sick and frustrated with school...

My normal enthusiasm for learning has dissipated.

As of right now, I detest school and am on an indefinite strike from school work. I can't muster the energy to induce mental masturbation to produce work. This is not a good thing considering that this is crunch time. :S

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"The Size Six Harem" - borrowing Mernissi's term

I don't think anyone in our society would deny that Western media (in all forms and shapes: billboards, magazines, commercials, novels, etc) has mass produced images of female beauty that are, quite frankly, quite unhealthy.

Songs such as this one below help women, especially young girls, develop confidence in being just who they are. I think more songs like this are needed to combat the illusionary ideals of womanhood.

India Arie - Video Lyrics

Sometimes I shave my legs and sometimes I don't
Sometimes I comb my hair and sometimes I won't
Depend on how the wind blows I might even paint my toes
It really just depends on whatever feels good in my soul

I'm not the average girl from your video
and I ain't built like a supermodel
But, I Learned to love myself unconditionally
Because I am a queen
I'm not the average girl from your video
My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
No matter what I'm wearing I will always be India Arie

When I look in the mirror the only one there is me
Every freckle on my face is where it's supposed to be
And I know our creator didn't make no mistakes on me
My feet, my thighs, my lips, my eyes I'm lovin' what I see

Am I less of a lady If I don't wear pantyhose?
My mama said a lady ain't what she wears but, what she knows
But, I've drawn a conclusion, it's all an illusion confusion'sthe name of the game
A misconception, a vast deception
Something's gotta change
Don't be offended this is all my opinion
ain't nothing that I'm sayin law
This is a true confession of a life learned lesson I was senthere to share with y'all
So get in where you fit in go on and shine
Free your mind, now's the time
Put your salt on the shelf
Go on and love yourself
'Cause everything's gonna be all right

Keep your fancy drinks and your expensive minks
I don't need that to have a good time
Keep your expensive car and your Caviar
All I need is my guitar
Keep your krystyle and your pistol
I'd rather have a pretty piece of Crystal
Don't need your sillicone, I prefer my own
What God gave me is just fine