Thursday, August 10, 2006

summer days...

Hi friends,

Since Ken demanded a new post, I thought I would give a new post. I haven't been in the blog world for quite a while. I've been meaning to post something about how I finished my course forever now...I just haven't gotten around to it. Although my course director was crazy, I thoroughly enjoyed my course. I found it really challenging in terms of critically examining my own thoughts. I will definitely come back to the topic of what I learned through that course.

However, I guess I'll give everyone an update as to what I've been doing these past two weeks. The week of my final exam just about killed me as I was scrambling to get all my papers finished as well as study for my exam. I hardly got any sleep that week. Since I've finished, I've really immersed myself into several projects.

One is gardening. I thought that I would get a head straight on my life long ambition of having a fabulous garden so I've been digging up holes, buying nursery plants, and reading up on perennials quite a bit. And can I tell you that gardening is REALLY hard work? A few hours of digging completely wipes me out. I found out that you reach a certain point in the earth, it becomes rock garden and resistant to the shovel. No matter how much effort I thrust into my shovel, the ground just doesn't buge.

Another project that I've been doing is pressing flowers onto of my favourite things to do. I've also decided to declutter my room, seeing that my family is planning to move soon. I've also been doing odds and ends here and there...and wasting what time I don't have by watching Friends (cause I have the series on dvd) and playing sims. The weekdays seem to just go by so quick and with Ken here on the weekends, time is slipping away. This week is my last week teaching at the Enrichment Camp. Next week, I'm in full-time at Scotia...and the week after that, I'm off to San Francisco.

Between now and this next week and a half, I have to: wax my legs, finish my flower canvas project, start on my scrapbook, make a collage for my parents' birthdays, do a powerpoint presentation for FESA, make silk-screen t-shirts for FESA, create a poster for FESA, call the practicum office to find out what's the deal for next year, build a fence around my garden and possibly do more things to beautify it, go running each day, go to york to return my library books and drop off FESA office supplies, start my applications, pick up my library books, read all those articles and books I've been meaning to for the longest time now...and some other small things.

It's no wonder I crash into my bed last night. Somehow I wish I was back in Beijing like last summer where I was without a worry in my head. Except for where I was going to eat my next meal. Ken and I had it so good last summer. I wish I didn't have to stay in Toronto this summer...why couldn't I be with Daniela on her beautiful escapades around Europe and the amazing sights she sees each day. They say, "Be thankful for what you have." I am thankful. I think maybe it's b/c I'm really tired right now and need some restful sleep. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ew gross, no one wants to hear about you waxing your hairy legs.

simon looks like he's getting ready to go for a swim race.