Saturday, June 02, 2007

sooo summer 2007 officially begins...

for the first time in 5 years, i can officially relax. i'm not juggling between work and summer school this year...nor am i off trying to make my way through the foreign streets of beijing, thailand and hong kong. i'll be officially unemployed in two weeks and i can do whatever i please. i can sleep in, go for a run, do some gardening, take a walk, cook something new, make a whatever the heck i want and not feel badly about wasting my time! i'm going to have so much fun. i've spent the past week, organizing all my files and throwing away all the books and notes that i've accumulated in my undergrad. there's nothing more satisfying than sitting down and relaxing in a nice clean room.

oh, and i've also booked my tickets to visit dan in australia! this summer is going to be awesome!


Nay said...

ummm...who is dan? and does ken know about him??....unless u mean daniela when u say 'dan' in which case i had no idea she was going to i a confused child or what?!

anyway, glad that u are getting the chance to relax. have u found a place in hamilton yet???

and how do ur parents feel about u moving there? what about simon?

Ian Lau said...

how bout drop by church sometime? i was actually speaking w/ your bro the other week and man, that kid has matured (a bit)! glad to hear he's thinking of studying medicine.