Thursday, June 14, 2007

Well that was a great five years...

So as many of you know, yesterday afternoon was my convocation for my Bachelor of Education degree. Needless to say, I did not attend my Bachelor of Arts convocation. Besides the 30 degree weather and the heat stroke I was getting from sitting under the spotlights with thick robes on me, it was a fantastic day.

Naomi's finance rented a limo to pick us up and drive us to York which was fun times. I did almost do a flip in the car and flashed everyone but I learned from my mistakes and wore my seatbelt the next time the driver decided to break hard. Hmm...what else? The ceremony was felt like we had a million people graduating from the Faculty of Ed. I wonder how we're all going to get jobs with everyone coming out with a BEd. At the end of the day though, it was a good day cause I could finally breath and say that I've finished my five years at York. My parents and Ken were really good sports too and sat patiently through the whole ceremony to watch me walk on stage for those 30 seconds to shake the hands of the President and Vice-Chancellor, the Chancellor, and the Dean of Education. Afterwards we had some cake and sandwiches, picked up our diplomas and headed over to Daniela's house where a graduation potluck was being held.

All the grads got buttons that said "Congrats Grad!" We had a fabulous meal of Portugese chicken and potatoes, lebanese dips and falafel and pastries, Chinese marinated pork chops, and Canadian cake and fruit. Oh ya, and Spanish stuff too. Our parents were forced to interact with one anther which was socially awkward at first but in the end, it turned out okay. :) Thanks everyone for a good time. And thank you Daniela's family for hosting this event. And thank you Ken for coming out at the cost of your own sleep! Good job Naomi, Steve, Krista and D for surviving the trials and tribulations of the Concurrent program!! Yay for us!


Steven said...

It was a lot of fun. Congrats to everyone!!!! Im really blessed to know WOA despite the fact that I have to hear conversations that I would rather not :p Anyway good job everyone and best of luck in the future!!!!

P.S. the potatoes were undercooked. Please dont judge portuguese potatoes on that one time. :)

Nay said...

we had potatoes?

yeah for us!