Friday, May 26, 2006

Apple is SOOO cool...

I think after my ibook, I will never go back. I just checked out this really good software called iWork which is essentially the programs of Pages and Keynote. I took this virtual tour through my ibook and wow. Some of the stuff I can do on a Mac would take years to do on a PC. Simon would call me a Mac elitist...something which he hates. But c'mon now, I'm not trying to snub everyone who owns a PC about how my computer is so much better, because it isn't. In fact, my computer is lowest chain of the Apple laptops. But this is why Macs are so cool:

1) They never freeze (I've only experience this ONCE since I've gotten my laptop), they never crash, and they never need to be restarted or that stuff. I also never turn off my computer. I close it and it just goes to sleep.

2) You basically don't need anti-virus protection cause 99% of viruses out there are targeted towards PCs. (However, the new Intel processing chips make a new debate about the susceptibility of Macs to viruses)

3) Spotlight (Apple button + space bar) which allows you to search for anything on your computer in an instant. Kinda like Gmail, search don't sort except better.
4) Dashboard and widgets. I put POST-IT notes there. I have a Family Guy widget which gives me daily quotes to make me laugh. I have a week long update on the weather...there are tons of widgets from the Apple site!
5) iChat - I can talk to other Apple users like I do on Skype...
6) iCalendar - wicked cause I have alarms telling me of when to do stuff and when stuff is due.
7) iPhoto - making a slideshow has never been easier. my wedding slideshow is going to be terrific!!
8) and I recently discovered iWork! It makes publishing and presentation soo easy! My career as a teacher is set with this!!
9) although my list essentially ends at 8, I still have not utilized my computer to the fullest. I mean, has anyone used Garage Band to make their own music? iDVD or iWeb? Or any of the other programs I haven't mentioned?

Call me a Mac elitist if you will. I'm not telling everyone to hop onto the bandwagon and buy a Mac. I'm simply sharing my enthusiasm for Macs with the rest of you. I'll admit that PCs are good in terms of their raw power... :P


Nay said...

Dude! I use GarageBand all the time! Man, I made my own song already. Naomi White's "I sound like a Man but you still love me" CD is coming out soon. I'll keeo you posted with that. Special Guest artist on my CD, DJ Jamy Jams and Asian Sensation KTang. Oooooo.

Also, I am going to check out this iWork program that you speak of because I want to be ready as a teacher too! Hey, maybe if we teach the same grade we can share lesson plans and and slideshows and stuff. Cool!

Yeah for, I never thought I would say that...

Anonymous said...


that was a beautiful conversation.