Sunday, March 04, 2007

running around like a headless chicken...

ok, i think it's time for me to post something new up so those nasty pics of me are bumped down. anyway, just a quick question for all of you: at what points in your life have you felt the most stressed? and what do you do what you are stressed? is there a routine you do to alleviate the stress, or do you just run around like a frantic crazy person like me?

i had a breakdown this weekend cause i was just overswamped with stuff...with school, with FESA, with responsibilities, with my to do list, with work and with got to a point where i just went beserk and for half hour, i think i lost all sanity. but usually that's not what i do: i usually run around my house all frantic, searching for things and yelling commands at simon to get me stuff b/c i'm in a rush...or i'll pull all-nighters with lots of coffee and stay up all night to finish my assignments. i think i usually handle stress well...don't you?


Steven said...

When it comes to stress, im kinda like a chicked with its head cut off....after it has stopped running and just lies there....sleep is my getaway...I love sleep!

JenNiferHY said...

it's because men have a natural tendency to be lethargic. i cite my brother and steve (and sometimes ken) to validate this claim.

Steven said...

I have to watch what I say around you...this whole stamina thing is getting out of hand!

dAnIeLa said...

i just scream. screaming is great relief.

Steven said...

You scream all the time though....

JenNiferHY said...

lol. this is true, daniela. he got you there.

Nay said...

ya D it is true. hell i even have pics of u at the bridal party of u sceaming. in fact i have like 4 or 5 pics of u like that. what the hell man!

ummm....when i am stressed...what do i do?? i know when i feel stressed i get that feeling....ok i will finish this later. ronnie just called. lol. and i need to sleep.

love u all lots.

KT said...

i can't really argue w/the "lethargic" part. i slept for 11 hours last night :P
(but i only slept for 3 the previous night where i worked the night shift and the morning shift)

as for stress, i take a shower. it's soothing, it's quiet b/c you can't hear anything, and you come out clean and refreshed!

..and for daniela, you do scream a lot for a small person.

Nay said...

ok i am going to continue what i was saying...
so, when i get stressed i get the same feeling i had when i took calculus in OAC and showed up to write tests and didn't know what i was doing half the time. i get short of breath and i can't focus and my mind goes crazy and i think its the end of the world and i need to drop out of university and quit everything that i am in.....and basically its not a good thing for me to feel.

i am not sure what i used to do when i was stressed. i have never been more stressed than this year. everyone knows how i would finsih work way before its due date and get it out of the way and thats why i would be chillin a lot of the times while D and J were not. but now....i have lost my organization skills, time management, etc. and i am basically a lost cause. however, when i get stressed now I talk to ronnie about it. he has seriously helped me get through a lot this he should since he is the reason i have been so stressed....frig, why did he have to propose to me now??!! LOL. jk. i love him! but really, i do talk to him and he helps me get through it, and tells me to take all these vitamins that help with stress. at times i will talk to a friend. ask them questions to see what they think.
that's what a do.

and i LOVE to sleep. call me mrs. nappy. lol.

and, again, D does yell a lot. i just dont know why though. i mean, we can all hear her.....surprsingly enough cause you would think we would have lost our hearing by now. geez.

beace out.

Ian Lau said...

that's awesome! you did the suction cup thingy in China! i've gotta ask you about it sometime. we went to visit the traditional chinese medicine dept in a hospital and we watched a few of those procedures (among other crazy tcm practices). the procedure looked more painful than the outcome, but did you actually feel better afterwards??

JenNiferHY said...

well that's hard to say.
i think my illness got better afterwards because i was so focused on the pain on my back.

seriously it was one of those excruciating things i've ever gone through. i was burrowing my face into the pillow to prevent myself from screaming.

Nay said...

oh dear.

dAnIeLa said...

i don't appreciate all u clowns giving me a bad rep on public forum
also naomi ur stress is caused this year becasue ur ear is surgically attached to ur phone saying...hi ...ronnie?...

Nay said...

true dat.