Thursday, June 29, 2006

My life is STRESS

can i just say that i've had an incredibly bad week? so much so that i've decided to forget about grammar or punctuation and just write whatever i please.

well, first off: i lost 5 grand at work last weekend and am unable to find that money so my job might be on the line. this week at work, i was short $40 and normally, that isn't so bad...just throws off my balancing ratio but considering how i'm on the hot spot at work, this IS REALLY BAD. on that same day that i lost the $40, i had to cancel a school teachers' meeting that was mandatory to attend (cause i'll be teaching grade 7&8, 9&10 this summer). i also got a parking ticket at school...which makes me more mad b/c as it is, i'm in debt and working my butt off to be able to pay tuition. why is it that i am charged more money when i go to school?

i've also had a presentation today which me and my group put immense efforts into...we've met up a ridiculous number of times to get this presentation perfect. i was under tremendous stress today over this thing. my professor, who is the BIATCHIEST prof i've ever encountered in my 4 years at york, butchered us after the much so, that after class was over, two of the three other group members started crying. (it's not just us though...i've seen guys cry after her class cause she really is that mean to EVERYONE, and every presentation). to make ourselves feel better, we went onto and read her reviews. (ppssst, Nadiah Habib). a person must have tenure in order to speak to students in the condescending and disdainful and disrespectful manner the way she does.

i think i'm going to end off about my bad week here but i want to say that i'm tired. i'm really burned out from trying to do school and work and keep up with friends, maintain a boyfriend, and sort out my crazy family. i don't remember the last time i took off a day for just myself. there are so many demands on my's either talk to simon, sort him out (cause he's a huge worry), go out with friends, go to work, spend time with ken, go to the gym cause i'm getting fat, talk to my parents b/c they're worried about simon, take care of my grandma, keep up with my readings and assignments, take care of FESA stuff b/c i'm treasurer next year. so ya, i'm tired. so if i haven't emailed you or kept in touch, or been everything you wanted me to be, i'm sorry. i try as hard as i can to simultaneously play all these different roles but it can be hard at times.


Anonymous said...

keep your head up. i love you.

you should give me your prof's email address and i'll send an email to her saying that i know someone taking her class and she should look at that site.

dAnIeLa said...

hey friend...i love u.
u are one of the most successful and brilliant pepople i know...and i'm daniela so i don't say that much...
ur students, ur family, the STUPID bank, ken, ur friends and me....we're all lucky to have u..
WOA for life!