Monday, June 12, 2006

Rafting on the Ottawa River

Despite the bad luck Ken and I have been having with the weather while travelling in Ottawa, we still had a fabulous time. So Tanya, Ken & I drove up to the campsite on Friday night and arrived there close to midnight in a midst of rain and gust. After setting up a tent, we all proceeded to go to bed while outside our tents college students raged with drunkenness. We woke up Saturday morning to discover that the weather had not improved. In fact, it was damp and cold. Nonetheless, like brave warriors, we sucked it up and held our breaths as we put on our icy wet suits on.

Six hours on the river was a long time to be cold but it was well worth it. Ken & I did not flip over, or fall out. Not once. Which is more than what I can say about my Costa Rica rafting trip...I fell out twice on that one. Surprisingly, Widlerness Tours also served incredibly good food. We were well-fed the entire trip. Saturday night we just chilled and had a bonfire and had smores and roasted marshmallows. Sunday was another day of adventure. This time, we were on 12 people boats instead of 6 and it was the high adventure trip. We had bigger and crazier rapids to go through! It was awesome. At the end, we were allowed to get out of our raft and body surf through milder rapids (currents basically). It was during this last half hour of Sunday's rafting that the sun finally came out. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip despite the extremely cold weather. I'll stop here so that Ken can tell you other details like the Esprit boats at the Coliseum. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i don't want to tell them, you do it...