Monday, January 22, 2007

making it through this semester...

since i had 5 mintues of free time before needing to go to class, i decided to organize myself and write in my agenda a list of all the things that i needed to get done. well, the task itself needed more than 5 minutes b/c there are just too many things needing to get done. i think it might be a better option for me to NOT think about what i have to do. i have yet to write my statement of interest for mcmaster; resume and cover letters for both the York Region and TDSB boards; three pending projects in my different classes; plan for my lessons; make a terrific lesson in which the principal of my school can come watch and be so amazed that upon ending the lesson, she'll offer me to write me numerous reference letters, or better yet offer me a job on the spot; visit the principal at my old school to talk to her about being my reference. also, i'm behind on all of my readings...and then the money that sits in a mess in the safe at the office is needing for me to organize before this saturday, cause who knows what kind of mess it'll be in after this saturday. GULP. sigh.

i sorta feel overwhelmed...but this has always been my life. balancing work, school, extra-curriculars and my ridiculously cute boyfriend that comes to visit me on the cross your fingers and wish me luck. i think i might need to quit my job in order to make it through this hellish/busy semester...however, that's also not an option cause i need to save for the tour of south america that daniela and i are planning to go on.

moral of the story? cross your fingers AND YOUR TOES for jennifer hy.

(to make myself feel a little better i've attached a picture of my ridiculously cute boyfriend here)

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